
Gongwin-KY Adopted Compassionate Treatment treating Melanoma Patients, Earned Approval from Ministry of Health and Welfare to Go Ahead

Gongwin-KY Adopted Compassionate Treatment treating Melanoma Patients,
Earned Approval from Ministry of Health and Welfare to Go Ahead

Gongwin-KY (6617) announced on the 24th that the application for the use of new PTS100 drug by the Taiwan’s Gongwin Biopharm Company to engage in compassionate treatment for melanoma patients was approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to go ahead.

Gongwin pointed out that the melanoma case has been treated with a variety of drugs available domestically but to no avail. Therefore, the medical center submitted a project proposal to the Ministry of Health and Welfare in accordance with the provisions of the " Regulations on Human Trials”. The application was submitted by a medical physician, reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the hospital, and then submitted to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for approval.

In addition to the implementation of PTS100 new drug phase II clinical trials for liver cancer in Taiwan, Gongwin also actively collaborates with physicians from major domestic medical centers to conduct various clinical explorations and treatments to expand the scope of various cancer treatments. In addition to the implementation of new drug on cases of metastatic liver tumors, the scope is now expanded to include melanoma cases.

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